Peer-reviewed conference papers
42. I. B. Santelices, C. Landry, A. Arami, S. D. Peterson, “Investigating Optimal Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Timing Across Two Days,” accepted in 2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Body Sensor Networks (BSN), Boston, MI, USA (2023).
41. I. B. Santelices, C. Landry, A. Arami, S. D. Peterson, “Optimal Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Timing With Deep Reinforcement Learning: a Proof-of-Concept,” accepted in 2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Body Sensor Networks (BSN), Boston, MI, USA (2023).
40. J. Foellmer, M. Shushtari, and A. Arami, “Feedforward Control Based on Gait Phase Estimation and Human-exoskeleton Modeled Dynamics,” International Conference for Aging, Innovation and Rehabilitation, ICAIR, Toronto (ON), Canada (2023).
39. R. Nasiri, H. Dinovitzer and A. Arami, "A Unified Gait Phase Estimation and Control of Exoskeleton using Virtual Energy Regulator (VER)," 2022 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), pp.1-6, Rotterdam, the Netherlands (2022). (Winner of the best poster award)
38. M. Shushtari, H. Dinovitzer, J. Weng and A. Arami, "Accurate Real-time Phase Estimation for Normal and Asymmetric Gait," 2022 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), pp.1-6, Rotterdam, the Netherlands (2022).
37. C. Landry, S. D. Peterson, and A. Arami, "Estimation Fusion Improves Cuffless Blood Pressure Waveform Prediction," IEEE Body Sensors Networks 2021.
36. R. Nasiri, H. Rouhani, and A. Arami, “An Adaptive Feedforward Control Structure for Functional Electrical Stimulation based Joint Position Control,” International Congress of Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineering, CSME 2021, Charlottetown, Canada (2021).
35. S. M. Shushtari, J. Weng, R. Nasiri and A. Arami, “A Framework for Modeling and Simulation of Neuromuscular Control of Walking,” International Congress of Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineering, CSME 2021, Charlottetown, Canada (2021).
34. T. Abesin Kodippili, S. Lambert and A. Arami, “A Neural Network Approach for Approximating Simulation Predicted State Variables in a Preform Optimization Process,” 12th International Conference on Magnesium Alloys and their Applications (Mg2021), Montreal, hold virtually, (2021).
33. C. Landry, A. Arami and S. D. Peterson, “Intermittent Pneumatic Compression: Towards Optimal Timing for Enhancing Lower Limb Blood Flow,” Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress, Charlottetown, Canada, (2020).
32. A. Arami, “Neuromechanical Modeling for Personalized Assistive Robotics,” 2020 Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress, Charlottetown, (2020).
31. C. Landry, E. Hedge, R. Hughson, S. D. Peterson, and A. Arami, “Cuffless Blood Pressure Estimation for Activities of Daily Living,” IEEE , Engineering in Medicine and Biology 42nd Annual Conference, EMBC, Montreal, Canada, (2020).
30. A. Arami, K. Goldsmith, A. Poulakakis-Daktylidis, S. Smith, Y. F. Tai, E. Burdet, "Detection of Freezing of Gait in Parkinson’s disease: an investigation on the role of different feature families," International Society of Biomechanics (ISB), Calgary, Canada, July-August (2019).
29. C. Landry, S. D. Peterson and A. Arami, “Estimation of the Blood Pressure Waveform using Electrocardiography,” Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE, Engineering in Medicine and Biology 41th Annual Conference, EMBC, Berlin, Germany (2019).
28. M. Nouredanesh, M. Frazer, J. Tung, S. Jeon, A. Arami, "Effect of Visual Information on Dominant and Non-dominant Hands During Bimanual Drawing with a Robotic Platform," IEEE 16th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), Toronto, Canada, p. 1221-1226, 2019.
27. H. van der Kooij et al., “Symbitron: Symbiotic Man-Machine Interactions in Wearable Exoskeletons to Enhance Mobility for Paraplegics,” International Symposium on Wearable Robotics (WeRob), Pisa, Italy, p. 361-364 (2018).
26. M. Mancuso, A. Arami, A. Terrier, F. Becce, A. Farron, K. Aminian, "Testing of a robotic platform for the evaluation of prosthetic stability of the glenohumeral joint," 12th Meeting of international shoulder group, Rochester, MN USA (2018).
25. A. Arami, N. Tagliamote, F. Tamburella, H.-Y. Huang, M. Molinari and E. Burdet, “A simple tool to measure spasticity in spinal cord injury subjects,” ICORR, London, UK (2017).
24. H.-Y. Huang, I. Farkhatdinov, A. Arami, E. Burdet, “Modelling Neuromuscular Function of SCI Patients in Balancing,” International conference on neurorehabilitation (ICNR), Segova, Spain (2016).
23. F. Dzeladini, A.R. Wu, D. Renjewski, A. Arami, E. Burdet, E. van Asseldonk, H. van der Kooij, A. Ijspeert, “Effects of a Neuromuscular Controller on a Powered Ankle Exoskeleton During Human Walking,” 6th IEEE Int. conf. biomedical robotics, biomechatronics (BioRob), Singapore, p. 617-622 (2016).
22. K. Aminian, A. Arami, D. Forchelet, P. Renaud, “Smart Knee Prosthesis for Orthopedic Surgery,” 25th Int. Soc. Biomech. (ISB), Glosgow, UK (2015).
21. A. Arami, K. Aminian, D. Forchelet, P. Renaud, “Implantable and Wearable Measurement System for Smart Knee Prosthesis,” IEEE Biomed. Circuits & Sys, Lausanne, Switzerland, p. 240-3 (2014).
20. A. Arami, K. Aminian, “Knee Prosthesis Kinematics Estimation through Implanted Sensors and its Validation in a Robotic Knee Simulator,” in Proceedings of 13th 3D Analysis of Human Movement Symp. (3D AHM), Lausanne, Switzerland, p. 374-377 (2014).
19. A.K. Bourke, F. Masse, A. Arami, et al., “Energy Expenditure Estimation Using Accelerometry and Heartrate for Multiple Sclerosis and Healthy Older Adults,” 11th IEEE Body Sensor Networks (BSN) workshops, Zurich, Switzerland, p. 1-5 (2014).
18. A. Latypova, A. Arami, et al., “Patellar Kinematics after Knee Arthroplasty: Experimental validation of a numerical model,” in Proceedings of 13th 3D AHM, Lausanne, Switzerland, p. 319-322 (2014).
17. C.Tzioupis, S. Diehl, H. Rouhani, A. Arami, et al., “Sagittal Plane Blocade in Patients with Functional Hallux Limitus:a Multisegment Model Analysis of the Flexor Hallucis Longus Endoscopic Tenolysis,” in Proceedings of 13th 3D AHM, Lausanne, Switzerland, p. 42-43 (2014).
16. A. Arami, A. Barré, et al., “Estimation of prosthetic knee angles via data fusion of implantable and wearable sensors,” 10th IEEE Body Sensor Network conf. (BSN), Cambridge, MA, USA (2013).
15. A. Arami, A. Barré, K. Aminian, “Accurate Angle Estimation in Smart Knee Prostheses via Magnetic Implantable and Skin-mounted Sensors,” 24th Int. Soc. Biomech. (ISB), Natal, Brazil (2013).
14. F. Dadashi, A. Arami et al., “A Hidden Markov model of the Breaststroke Swimming Temporal Phases Using Wearable Inertial Measurement Units,” 10th IEEE body sensor network conf. (BSN), Cambridge, MA, USA (2013). (winner of the Best Paper Award)
13. C. Moufawad el Achkar, F. Massé, A. Arami, K. Aminian, “Physical Activity Recognition via Minimal in-shoes Force Sensor Configuration,” 7th Perv. Comp. Tech. & Health., p. 256-9, Italy (2013).
12. S. Chopra, H. Rouhani, K. Aminian, A. Arami, X. Crevoisier, “Analysis of the Effect of Ankle Arthodesis and Total Ankle Replacement on Plantar Pressure and Gait Symmetry,” 14th Europ. Fed. National Assoc. Orthopaedics Trauma., (EFFORT), Istanbul, Turkey (2013).
11. A. Arami, K. Aminian, “A New Method for Internal-external Rotation Measurement in a Prosthetic Knee,” 12th 3D Analysis Human Movement Symp., Bologna, Italy (2012). (winner: Best Paper Award)
10. S. Tanner, S.Ali, M. Banjevic, A. Arami, et al., “An Analog Front-End and ADC Integrated Circuit for Implantable Force and Orientation Measurements in Joint Prosthesis”. 3rd Int. conf. Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare (MobiHealth), Paris, France (2012).
9. A. Arami, et. al, “Instrumented Prosthesis for Knee Implants Monitoring,” 7th IEEE Conf. on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Trieste, Italy, p. 828-835 (2011).
8. A. Arami, H. Dejnabadi, V. Leclercq, K. Aminian, “An Implantable System for Angle Measurement in Prosthetic Knee,” 11th Int. Soc. Biomech. (ISB), Brussels, Belgium (2011).
7. M. Javan-Roshtkhari, A. Arami, C. Lucas, “Emotional Control of Inverted Pendulum System: A soft switching from imitative to emotional learning,” 4th Int. Conf. on Autonomous Robots and Agents (ICARA), Wellington, New Zealand (2009).
6. A. Arami, C. Lucas, M. Nili Ahmadabadi, “Control of Attention to Mental States and Multiple Critics,” Int. Conf. of Cognitive Science, Tehran, Iran, p.46 (2009).
5. A. Arami, M. Javan-Roshtkhari, C. Lucas, “A Fast Model Free Intelligent Controller Based on Fused Emotions: A Practical Case Implementation,” 16th Int. IEEE Mediterranean Conf. on Control and Automation, Ajacsio, France, p. 596-602 (2008).
4. A. Arami, B. Rahimzadeh-Rofaee, C. Lucas, “Multiple Heterogeneous Ant Colonies with Information Exchange,” IEEE World Cong. Computational Intelligence, CEC section, Hong Kong, p. 3298-3304 (2008).
3. A. Arami, et al., “Employing Attention Control in Model Free Emotional Control of Automotive Suspension System,” Ambient Intelligence mini-symposium, Vancouver, BC, Canada, (2008).
2. A. Arami, et al., “Information Theoretical Approach to Attention in Geomagnetic Storm Forecasting,” Forecasting of the Radiation and Geomagnetic Storms by networks of particle detectors, Armenia (2008).
1. A. Arami, B. N. Araabi, “A Clustering Method Based on Soft Learning of Model (Prototype) and Dissimilarity Metrics,” Advances in Computer Science and Engineering, the series Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, Vol. 6, p 33-40 (2008).